New day..... new post....
Today I made something that I didn't really take pictures of, but I felt that I should share my adventure anyway. So, I got this recipe from another blog called Semicircular Vegan. If you saw my last blog post, you saw that my brother and his wife just got that infomercial cooking device, so I've been trying to figure/find food that I can make vegan in it. Well, I found this blog that has only vegan recipes made in that machine (and the previous incarnation of that machine). Don't you just love the internet? Anyway, back to my story.... So I got this recipe from this blog. In fact, the recipe is at the top of their blog currently. It's for pumpkin rolls, which are basically cinnamon rolls, but with pumpkin pie filling instead of all that cinnamon stuff. It looked AMAZING. In fact, for those that know me, they can tell you about my weirdly-strange obsession with all things pumpkin. Before going vegan I use to make pumpkin chili (and I should probably try making that vegan too!). I have pumpkin scented hand soap AND lotion that I got from Bath and Body Works. And, if you have a food made with pumpkin in it, chances are that I will fall in love with it. So when I saw this recipe, I knew that I had to give it a go. However, there were obstacles.
The first obstacle was my need to have the type of frosting that I feel is necessary on cinnamon-type rolls. I haven't ever liked that type of frosting that comes with the canned onces, and I never really like the glaze stuff that most people make. They're both too runny. So I was bound and determined to make a vegan cream cheese frosting for these bad boys. Plus, I needed some essentials to make them as well. A trip to the store was in order.
Problem 1. The store had no canned pumpkin pie filling.
So I bought pumpkin and figured that I'd just make my own filling. This problem was fairly easily solved with the help of some pantry goods and the Kitchen Aide (or is it Aid.... oh well) stand mixer. I used a small can of pumpkin, 1/4 cup of brown sugar, 1/5 a cup (give or take) of white sugar, and an assortment of "dashes" of different spices (since I don't measure well): cinnamon, nutmeg, pumpkin pie spice, and ginger. It was pretty delicious.
I used the mixer to make my cream cheese frosting, which was completely amazing! I scoured the net over and over and found the same recipe in two or three places. It looked good, so I figured it must be pretty close to the end all / be all of cream cheese frostings. But, of course, I veganized it! Here it is, for your NOM-NOM pleasure!:
1/2 a tub of Tofutti cream cheese (room temp)
1/4 cup of Earth Balance vegan margarine
1 cup of powdered sugar
1 tsp. of vanilla extract (give or take)
Basically, you just throw the cream cheese, margarine, and vanilla in the mixture and slowly add in the powdered sugar. It was amazing!
Problem 2. The Redi Set GO complete BLOWS when it comes to cooking baked goods!
Seriously! My brother had no luck making pizza.... had to take it out and put it in the oven. I had the same issue with these things! They started to burn on the top but were still raw in the center, so I took them out and finished them in the oven. They were salvaged, but probably would have been a little better if I had just gone with the oven in the first place.
Problem 3. I now have a whole bunch of extra homemade pumpkin pie filling and cream cheese frosting and don't know what to do with it!
I think I'm gonna make a pumpkin pie burrito for desert tonight. I'll keep you posted.
Score on a scale of 1 to 10: 8
Reason: The pumpkin filling and the cream cheese frosting saved these bad boys. I seriously ate them all today. I had two for breakfast, one after breakfast, and then three more when I woke up from a nap. They were awesome. However, they only get an 8 because of the minor scorching from the Redi Set GO. I'll try them in the oven next time and see how it goes.
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