This is my very first blog post! I would just like to start by saying, "Hello!" As for what this blog will be....
It will be a lot of things, because I'm a lot of things. For instance, I'm:
- fat
- gay
- vegan
- gamer
- politico
- nerd
- geek
- awesome
- etc., etc., etc.,
So basically.... Imagine a big ball of that! No, seriously.... I'll be taking about issues such as fat activism and acceptance, how that relates to being gay and vegan, recipes and creations I make throughout my vegan journey, some gamer-ness when I have time, generally geekery and nerddom will always be included, and finally -- you'll always get a good dose of awesome.
I'll be updating soon, so check back! For now, have a good night!
Oh, how I love this big fat gay vegan you speak of. Tell him I said hello will ya?
Ms. Coltrane
Welcome to the blogosphere, from one fat, gay vegan to another. xx